Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Over the last couple days, I have been "burned" twice by my hubby and my oldest Ms. M.

  The first conversation happened between my daughter(5) and myself while driving home.
Me: We have to really knuckle down and start working on writing more words So you'll be prepared for school.
Ms.M: *rasberry* I don't want to go to school. I already know everything.
Me: You don't know everything, you still need help sounding out words in books and you also need my help to spell words.
Ms.M: Well I already know plenty.(insert litany of numbers letter and shapes)
Me:yes, but you can always expand your knowledge. I'm much older than you and going to college and there is still plenty I don't know.
MsM: Well I don't need to. I'm plenty smart.
Me:So your going to wallow in ignorance like most youths today choose to do? You want to stay irresponsible and poor the rest of your life(fill in epic lecture)---
Ms.M: Fine...I'll go to school. But I want a real teacher who knows how to teach and knows lots of stuff. Not you.
                *Hears Kelso from "That 70s Show" shouting: BURN! in my head*
# 2 Conversation.
With hubby(who did it on purpose--thinking he's funny.)Ha.
Me:...So, you want me to make you coffee and bring it all the way upstairs to you?
Hubby: *Grins* I looove you hunney...
Me: *sigh* I'm going to install a dumbwaiter in the dining room so i can just lift stuff up here to you.
Hubby: *evil grin* Why get one...*pause*...when I have you. *hubby snorts and giggles*
        *Kelso: BURN! He SOOO burned you!*
  I feel the love.
Now lets see what Turkeybutt(youngest daughter) has up her sleeve for me...
                            You know, I think these are the moments that Hallmark advertises. heh

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