Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cold Days-Goodreads review

As per usual, Jim Butcher has written a fantastic story.
Even though Dresden is neck deep in trouble again he is fighting against major odds to save the world. 
Now, as Mab's Winter Knight, he has instincts and urges that makes it so that he not only has to fight the monsters around him but now he also has to fight the monster within. I love that no matter what the situation is, Dresden always tries his hardest to be the good guy. He always takes the path that helps others the most--even when it usually screws him and is the hardest path.
Throughout the book there are twists and turns that not only shoot the plot into different directions but also ties in plot points that have been threaded throughout the entire series, answering many questions from before. But by the end of the story there are many new questions to be answered in future books.

Jim Butcher is a master of his craft. I look forward to reading the next installment.

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