First let me start off by saying that I planned to put a pic of the new 2011 NaNoWriMo participant sticker on my blog but I am having one heck of a time getting one to upload onto here(hence the lack of my profile pic as well)
It bums me out a bit but eh, oh well. I'll figure it out one of these days.
Even without the pic I can still blog about NaNoWriMo--for those unfamiliar it stands for National Novel Writers Month.
The premise of this organization is to get people to just write. period. Not worry about editing or waiting for the perfect phrase or sentence...just vomit your words onto your "word" or "office" or whichever thing your using for 'paper' and keep tabs on your success through their web site.
The goal is to write 5000 words in 1 month.
does anyone see the horribly-unedited words that you purged from the depth of your soul?? no. You somply add the words to their special app. and it takes a word count.
If you hit 5k words--yay, your a winner, if you don' sweat, you'll still feel proud of what you accomplished around all of the other chaos in your life. WTG you!
Will you win crazy pots of money, fame, a cruise in the bahamas? nope, sorry.
trust me though, it is worth it.
Is it difficult to dedicate a portion of everyday to writing when you have sooo much on your plate with the looming holidays in your midst. There is no doubt about it. buut if you have a passion for stories and story telling then you can and will do it--and become a better writer for the experience.
so--if you have a story bouncing around in your head. If you have something you just have to tell the world or if your Muse is throttling you and screaming in your ear...head over to the and sign up.
I hope to see you there!
Also don't be afraid to add me to your buddy list