My Name is Heather Chandler.
When I first began this blog to introduce myself, I had trouble thinking of all the things that express who I am. For the most part I generalize my life into "Housewife", "Mom" and "Student". Sounds kinda boring like that doesn't it?
First, me and my hubby have been married for 10 years. We've had a crazy ride but I wouldn't want to share it with anyone else.
I am the mother of two strong willed, hard-headed and brilliant girls. They are sarcastic like their mother and fun like their dad.
I have been attending Kent State since 2010. I graduated with my Bachelor's in Psychology last spring
I've been working with both my children through online schooling for the past three years. It is a very hands-on busy job being their primary on-the-spot teacher but I love the results. My children are really thriving through this school.
For the past year I have been a part-time substitute K-12 teacher in Ashtabula County and have my 5yr license. I was pleasantly surprised that I have enjoyed all of the age groups.
For my hobbies, I adore reading (mostly fiction) novels. So much so that I have been a book reviewer for 2 reviewing sites. Recently, because of my schedule, I've had to cut one and focus on the other one company but I still always find time to read for fun.
I also write and have two short stories published that I co-wrote with my husband under the pen-name Heather Geoffries.
I am also part of a writing group called M.U.S.E. (the Most Under-appreciated Super Egos).
Music is a large part of my life as well. Not only do I enjoy listening to a variety of music but I love to play piano, dance and sing. I Karaoke
whenever I can get a babysitter--my whole family goes out and has a fun night whenever possible. I am also part of a charity Vaudeville style show put on by volunteers each year called the Falcon Follies.
I have become a fan of Yoga
over the past few years and primarily practice on my own but when I find a spare moment I like to go to classes in the area. I have actually gotten a few family and friends interested in Yoga as well.
I also like to walk--usually outside and alone if I need to clear my thoughts or with my children when I want to bring us all closer to nature.

I only did it once thus far, but I had a lot of fun a few years ago when I went LARPing...which is like playing dress up and fighting imaginary monsters except it's with adults and the monsters are other people dressed up and playing their part.
I have done some traveling since having children but it has been a little more limited. When my husband was traveling last year for his job, we went with him a few times and stayed at nice hotels but it was still within driving distance--although my kids still thought it was a grand adventure.
Before I was a mom me and hubby occasionally hopped in a car and drove somewhere--like Niagara falls. And before I was with hubby I stayed in New York city for a weekend saw Cabaret in studio 54 and went to a gargantuan Hair Expo show (I have a Cosmetology license and worked in a couple salons for nearly 10 years) and that show was so overwhelming and amazing. I also climbed the Statue of Liberty and drove under the Twin Towers--that was in the spring of 2001, just before the towers fell. (Unfortunately most of my pics were taken before digital was big so, I have to find them and scan them still.) Here is a pic of the stage at studio 54--I was 2 rows back on the right. Awesome seats.
I also went to San Hose California the spring after that for a week and seriously considered moving there but that fall I met my husband and the rest, they say, is history.(Same on the pics)
There are some other things I could share,like the huge list of tv shows I love (Outlander, OUAT, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, The Flash, Sleepy Hollow, to name a few) or All of the authors I adore( Virginia Nelson (her book shown below), Diana Gabaldon, Kim Harrison, Jim Butcher, Terry Pratchett, Robert Jordan, Saranna DeWylde, Traci. L. Slatton, etc) or what I collect (Cats-I have 4, smiley face things, pens, hair clientele and new hair things, coffee mugs--especially weird ones)
but a good blog should be concise and simple so I will leave it here. Thank you for taking a peek.