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Anyway, I had an Ah-hah! moment in the form of a story idea. It's not the first time and it probably won't be the last time but the idea itself was nifty.
I was chatting with the cashier at the grocery store and she had mentioned how sad she feels when she help the elderly and how most people don't think about the fact that they will be that elderly person some day. And I had mentioned that sooner we'll be like the babyboomers who from what I've gathered, still feel the same. They still feel young but then they look in the mirror and say "Holy Crap! What happened?"
Then she said: Growing old sucks. Too bad we can't age like Benjamin Button.
Me: Well that would kinda suck because--
and then I had it...the idea.
Me: I was going to say it would suck aging backwards because can you imagine being a teenager stuck in an old man/woman's body. With all the first crushes/loves/lusts and raging hormones and the importance that they place on social interactions but No, it wouldn't suck actually.
Well...because. Look at the list of teen thing I mentioned. Now compare to the rate of teen pregnancy and STD's because kids are out there going at it like rabbits with little to no forethought or protection.
Now apply Benjamin Button. Now--even if those elderly teens even felt the urge or could do anything about it, the chance of pregnancy is lowered dramatically. (not so much in men because they can father offspring until the day they die. see: Anthony Quinn.) But women go through menapause and no longer have eggs to fertilize. So, I would assume that if the girl is born Elderly and aged backwards--It's going to be a good 20-40 years before her body is young enough to create life.
And when the woman does have a baby, instead of getting older and being tired out by said children, she would be getting younger and more energetic and she will recover faster.
Now here's the fun part:
Their children will Still have to care for them when they are old. That's right. They will still end up weaker, more fragile, balder and have diapers but instead of being aged they will eventually become babies.
Hell. At that rate, their children might be too old and they will be taken care of by their Grandchildren(who, quite frankly will be the only ones young enough to keep up with toddlers.)
As another benefit: Most people say that youth is wasted on the young. And that with age comes wisdom.
Well. This circumstance allows for people who are in the prime of their lives physically to be in the prime of their intelligence and wisdom, as well. Now those who are blessed with health and youthful looks will also have a street and book smarts developed (Warning: Does not apply to everyone. There are morons in all age groups just as there are assholes in every age group.)
So--what a nifty idea for a story. Maybe something in an alternate dimension, or a futuristic sci-fi, or maybe a dystopian (possible cause of the Apocalypse?) hmm. Ideas Abound....
I probably will work it into a story but if nothing else--it is food for thought.
Also, if anyone actually tries to make this a possibility and succeeds--I'm saying right now:
"I found the cure to teen pregnancy." (and nativity)
And I am all like:
Yay! |
P.S. Maybe I should get a patent?