Yes, the two are correlated.
My hubby, he loves him some food. Especially the kind that used to bleed. He and food have a close relationship. Not only does food help him, you know, live but it also has been there for him in good times and in bad. When something wonderful happens we celebrate it with a dinner or party. If something awful happens, the pastry isle at the grocery store is in danger as my hubby prowls to find calories to fill the empty spot that the badness created.
Over the years, that love has left an impression on him. Mostly around his torso.
Then last week we watched a movie. The title itself captured our attention: "Fat, Sick and nearly Dead." Which is about a man named Joe(from Australia, gosh I <3 their accents) who is around 40, overweight(around 300lbs) and has a painful immune disorder caused by his unhealthy lifestyle. He decides to eat healthier but finds that to get all the nutrients and micro-nutrients he needs, he would have to eat a butt-ton of veggies. So he tries Juicing. He gives himself 60 days to drink nothing but fresh juice as he travels across America. His goal is to get healthier(and leaner) and to eliminate his disorder(and get off his meds)
While he's traveling he documents his highs and lows and also inspires a 400lb man to try the Juice fast too. Both of them get leaner(400lb guy loses 100lbs in 60 days) and get healthier(and off there meds)
Over-all a very inspiring(and amusing) story.
So, my hubby decided to try it. We got a juicer on e-bay for a decent price, which arrived on Friday. Since then my Hubby has had nothing but Juice made from fresh raw veggies and fruits. He is taking the 60day challenge and kicking it up a notch to another challenge he discovered: The 100 day challenge.
So far, He has lost 10lbs in 4days.
Yay, Hubby!
Now, you may have a few questions like: Is he freakin' nutz?
-No, he's dedicated to becoming healthier. You don't stay on the Juice fast. You use it to detox your system, shrink your stomach and get you body, skin and emotional well-being healthy. Then you try to live a healthier lifestyle.
If this diet is so great...why aren't you doing it ms. bloggy pants?
-First off, no need to get all snarky.
I do plan to do it. However, in the first few days of cleaning out, the person juicing feels the effects of detoxing and their body screams at them that they are starving. So, for the first bit, the juicer in question is a cranky-butt.
Seeing as we have 2 little children, I thought it best if they survived the experience.
I will be doing it very soon but only after hubby is in the happy, energetic, hopeful zone.
Are you going to do it for 100 days? *looks blogger up and down*
-Probably not.
My hubby is wanting to lose 100lbs. I on the other hand, am looking for maybe 30lbs. My use of the Juicing is primarily to give me a kick start and to get me detoxed and healthy from the inside out. After(and maybe during) that time period I'm going to up my exercise from 3 times a wk to daily--if I can.
Is it only for crazy people like you?
-Nope. It's for anyone who wants to get healthier and doesn't mind smoothies...or the taste of fruit and veggies.
Can I juice this here steak? That kinda defeats the purpose.
What about a milkshake diet? It's a liquid meal replacement.
-Um...again. Kinda not the point. You might lose some weight doing only liquid that your body can digest easily but you'll also be ingesting alot of fat and sugars...Not so good for the healthier heart, digestive tract and clearer skin thing.
So, is this the last we'll hear about this?
-Nope, I plan to blog about this, probably weekly, for the 100 days. Not only to do it for hubby(who does not blog) but also to hold him accountable(like an exercise partner). I will post his weight loss and his internal #s after he sees his Dr. And I will post photos(if I can ever get the darn things to post on here)
You can follow my hubby, and eventually my progress here on my blog.
Also, if you have questions, I will answer them to the best of my ability.
If you get a chance, I highly recommend Fat, Sick and nearly dead the movie(which is on Netflix and HULU And Joe Cross's blog
Have a wonderful evening folks.
Wish us luck.