Today I came up with an interesting story plot.
If you asked me where it came from, I couldn't tell you. Evidently my MUSE is getting antsy because I've been bogging him down with Math and Research papers. (poor muse.*plays tiniest violin*) So, being pushy he thrust the idea in my head while I scrubbed my kitchen clean.
Are you ready? Your breathless with anticipation, I can tell. heh.
You know how most things have an opposite or negative or anti--something-or other(ie. anti-matter, polar opposites. Even superheroes have to fight their negahero at some point.)
So came the idea of Anti-George Bailey and It's an anti-Wonderful life.
The story begins with an 18-21yr old guy from the present day. You know the guy. He wears his pants around his ankles and more bling than flava-flave.Speaks like he's straight out of the 'hood' ya'll even though he grew up in a small hick town.(or is a rich boy)
Then you add in a dash of arrogance, laziness, ill-manners and butt-load of false sense of entitlement and you have our youth. And my main character.
Little thug has drama in his life(not sure what yet, something petty and frivolous. Probably baby-mama-drama)and decides to dramatically end his life by throwing himself from a bridge.
Enter the Angel that intervenes in the nick of time. He tries to talk little thug out of it but thug is determined that his "life is over, man" "You just don't know my pain, dog!" and wishes he'd never been born. The angel gets a great idea and makes it so. Determined that he'll show thug how things would have been without him and maybe--just maybe earn his wings.
They blip through different times and places. visiting the (very small) amount of people who give a damn about thug. And as they go along they realize...
That everyone would have been better off without him. If he hadn't been born his mom wouldn't have quit college nor would his parents have gotten divorced. His brother wouldn't have been thrown in the slammer for years for getting drugs for little thug. His girlfirend wouldn't have gotten hooked on meth or had a baby. she had a promising future. Even some of his friends weren't so bad.
As he looked at his life he realized what a selfish, self absorbed, rude douche he'd been to everyone and how much he was literally wasting space and the air he breathed.
When they returned to the bridge, he gets an epiphany but as he begins to say that he's seen the light, the angel casually elbows him the back knocking him screaming from the bridge to the icy water below.
On the other side of the lake a cute curly haired child at dinner says. "Listen daddy. Teacher says every time that men scream a devil gets a pitchfork." The dad blinks slowly and tells the girl to eat her peas.
Pan back to the bridge a booming voice from above scolds. "Clarence! No wonder you still haven't earned your wings. He was supposed to live."
"Aw, geez. God. I couldn't help it. That guy was a total ass. I couldn't really take anymore."
"That was not your decision nor your mission."
Scene pans out as the angel turns into a star and ascends back to heaven as the voices grow distant.
"Come on, God. Give me the wings. I put up with him for a whole day. That should get me points right there. Oh, and while we're at it, I think we should make his mom a saint.Just saying..."
"Ah, Clarence...Maybe in another hundred years we'll try again."
"A hundred years! Well now that he's dead the balls in your court now. You spend a day with him, then we'll see about those wings..."
Another voice drifts in "Dog! I iz trippin' yo! I need a little somethin-somethin to take the edge of ya know what I'm sayin. Dog? These new threads are sick...."
The end.
I laughed but then again, I have a twisted sense of humor. Hopefully it amuses the masses as well.