Monday, December 3, 2012

Guest Blog with Virginia Nelson!

Hello all you wonderful people!

Today is a fun and exciting day. Why, you ask?
Because the quirky and talented Virginia Nelson has stopped by here on her blog tour to talk with us about her new book "Odd Stuff"

As soon as it came out I snatched up a copy and devoured it. And let me tell you it is funny, action packed and hilarious. And Vance?


Anyway...without further adieu here is the woman of the hour. Put your hands together and welcome the fabulous Virginia Nelson!!!


Thanks so much for having me on the blog, Heather!

Odd Stuff was written in a world like our own—just like our own since I set it in the Historic Ashtabula Harbor which is only about a half an hour from my home.  The difference is that in the Odd Stuff world, there’re things that go bump and grind in the night.  Janie, my heroine, doesn’t want to be part of the paranormal world but it keeps dragging her back in. 
I was thrilled when this book won HEAReviews Best Books of 2010 and got multiple great reviews.  Hopefully readers will have as much fun with this book as I had writing it!

Blurb: Janie Smith tumbles through the paranormal world making mistakes and not keeping her sharp tongue in check. Pretending to be normal is what she has spent her whole life perfecting. But when her best friend, a witch named Mia, gets tangled in a murder investigation, Janie tries to stick to her guns and solve it without any “extra” help, be it supernatural or sexual. The hitch is that Mia is suspected to have murdered a vampire...and how do you prove you haven't killed someone who has no pulse?

About the Author: Virginia Nelson spends her days chasing three very active kids around. When she is not doing this, or plotting taking over the world, she likes to write, play in the mud, drive far too fast and scream at inanimate objects. She can often be found listening to music that is far too loud and typing her next fantastic tale of blood, sex and random acts of ineptitude. Romance, in Ms. Nelson’s opinion, is not about riding off into the sunset on the back of a horse with the knight in shining armor— it is about riding the dragon. If the knight can keep up… well, that is love.  Find me online

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I am awesome, I am terrible. Shut up and write!

Lately, as I've worked on  my writing I have had writers block but not in the way that it is usually referred to.
Most people who suffer writers block can't think of an idea--either to start a story or proceed within their story.
I don't really have that problem.
The plot is there. The characters are talking--no yelling at me constantly.
My problem has a couple aspects.
#1. I let myself get distracted easily and in essence treat my characters like small children fighting in the back of the car. Yelling at them to "Sit down and shut up. or I'm coming back there!"
Well the good news is that sometime one character rebels and says "Ok. Good. Get back here. We need to talk." and then I end up writing for 2-3 hours straight.
#2. My brain is a deceitful mean bastard. It doesn't have much confidence in my ability to write. Usually I write a chunk of my story and I'm like:
Without the father's day part
And I'm riding my high. Feeling good. Rereading what I wrote and thinking Yeah. WTG you.
And then I begin to think. And My evil brain starts whispering things in my head. You think This is good? You think anyone wants to read that drivel.  Is this a comedy because--yeah...their all going to laugh at you....etc..
Basically you suck.
Then I start thinking of other's reactions to the story and this is how I picture it:

And I close the story and ignore it for awhile.
But you know what? I always go back. Sometimes a character gets rowdy but usually I write because I have awesome people in my life who believe in me and support me. And because of them, my character's are able to hog tie the nasty A-hole part of my brain and I push forth and write more.
I know that some day, I will be published and someday that part of my brain will be(hopefully) permanently silenced. *cracks knuckle*
I just have to trust my friends and my characters.
And with that in mind...I am shutting down my shiny distracting media and getting my word count for nano.
Happy writing folks. :)
Do you get writers block? How do you deal with uncertainty? are you doing Nano wrimo this year?
I'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Perspective Reviewer - Coffee Time Romance & More

 Coffeetime romance is looking for people to review books.
The benefits: You get your pick of free books and you get to tell people what you thing of them.
So what's stopping you?

Perspective Reviewer - Coffee Time Romance & More

Friday, October 26, 2012


A pic of my daily activity
The other day-week? eh, not important.
Anyway, I had an Ah-hah! moment in the form of a story idea. It's not the first time and it probably won't be the last time but the idea itself was nifty.

I was chatting with the cashier at the grocery store and she had mentioned how sad she feels when she help the elderly and how most people don't think about the fact that they will be that elderly person some day. And I had mentioned that sooner we'll be like the babyboomers who from what I've gathered, still feel the same. They still feel young but then they look in the mirror and say "Holy Crap! What happened?"
Then she said: Growing old sucks. Too bad we can't age like Benjamin Button.
Me: Well that would kinda suck because--
and then I had it...the idea.
Me: I was going to say it would suck aging backwards because can you imagine being a teenager stuck in an old man/woman's body. With all the first crushes/loves/lusts and raging hormones and the importance that they place on social interactions but No, it wouldn't suck actually.


Well...because. Look at the list of teen thing I mentioned. Now compare to the rate of teen pregnancy and STD's because kids are out there going at it like rabbits with little to no  forethought or protection.

Now apply Benjamin Button. Now--even if those elderly teens even felt the urge or could do anything about it, the chance of pregnancy is lowered dramatically. (not so much in men because they can father offspring until the day they die. see: Anthony Quinn.) But women go through menapause and no longer have eggs to fertilize. So, I would assume that if the girl is born Elderly and aged backwards--It's going to be a good 20-40 years before her body is young enough to create life. 
And when the woman does have a baby, instead of getting older and being tired out by said children, she would be getting younger and more energetic and she will recover faster.
Now here's the fun part:
Their children will Still have to care for them when they are old. That's right. They will still end up weaker, more fragile, balder and have diapers but instead of being aged they will eventually become babies.
Hell. At that rate, their children might be too old and they will be taken care of by their Grandchildren(who, quite frankly will be the only ones young enough to keep up with toddlers.)

As another benefit: Most people say that youth is wasted on the young. And that with age comes wisdom.
Well. This circumstance allows for people who are in the prime of their lives physically to be in the prime of their intelligence and wisdom, as well.  Now those who are blessed with health and youthful looks will also have a street and book smarts developed (Warning: Does not apply to everyone. There are morons in all age groups just as there are assholes in every age group.)

So--what a nifty idea for a story. Maybe something in an alternate dimension, or a futuristic sci-fi, or maybe a dystopian (possible cause of the Apocalypse?) hmm. Ideas Abound....

I probably will work it into a story but if nothing else--it is food for thought.
Also, if anyone actually tries to make this a possibility and succeeds--I'm saying right now:
"I found the cure to teen pregnancy." (and nativity)
And I am all like:

P.S. Maybe I should get a patent?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

10 years and your still the one.

    Hello again!
Today's Blog in brought to you by Love, Marriage and Anniversaries.

See that pic up there and that handsome guy? That is my hubby and me on the day we met 10yrs ago. Technically I met him earlier that day--against my will at work but that night was fun. 

10 years since I met him. Holy crapolie! It's interesting how some days it seems like only yesterday and others we have known each other forever. We have been through so much together that I can hardly imagine a time that he was not a part of.

And there we are 7 years ago. We took the plunge and I changed my name.

We had 2 beautiful kiddoes who have lent a certain amount of chaos and fun to our lives.

And like any marriage ours has had many ups and downs. I have come to believe that  if you can stay strong together during the hard times that those are the things that hold your marriage together stronger than any glue.

Also, you have to have humor. If you can't laugh at life and yourself than the pressure of the world will bury you and tear you apart.

So, live, laugh, love and enjoy every minute with your best friend. And I will continue to do so with mine. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Books I love. Kim, Charlaine, Jim. Oh, what fun!

      In the time since the last post I have had some changes in my schedule.
I was running around being crazy trying to be a mom and house cleaner while studying for some difficult classes. This was during my summer "break". Thankfully, my summer cram finished really early and I had a few weeks off.
    In that time off I took the opportunity to catch up on some pleasure reading. Don't get me wrong, I used the time to catch up on my review work(for which I will post the links to those reviews as soon as they are available) but mainly, I had a back up of books that I have been dying to read that my hubby gave me for Christmas and my B-day.

    And I've decided to write a few things about them here. (I'll try not to give any spoilers away.) 

    The first book I read was Jim Butcher's "Ghost Story" Which is #12 in the Dresden Files.

     First off, I love this series. I have been following Harry Dresden's adventures for a few years now. 
    I wasn't sure how this book would go. At the end of the last book Dresden had been shot and fell into the water. In this story it's about him being a ghost(if an albeit unusual one) that's trying to solve his own murder. It introduces new people and integrates  some old faces from earlier books. It was fast paced but it also took time to focus on some important character development. The ending was fantastic and leaves Dresden in a pickle and the reader eager to delve into the next book coming out in November. I will be getting "Cold Days" when it is out. 
(I really hope something happens between Murphy and Dresden in this book. *fingers crossed*)

(I wonder where he'll live now? With Mab, ya know, since his house was destroyed  a couple books back?)

     The next book I read was Kim Harrison's "A Perfect Blood" Which is the 10th book in "The Hollows" series.

     Again, another series I adore not only for the action packed scenes but also it is a very character driven series. I love that Rachel is always screwing things up by always following her instinct without thinking things through. Ivy is sexy and dangerous(who doesn't want to be that?) Jenks is one funny Pixie that cusses like a sailor and is more Wiley than anyone guesses. And Trent...sigh...I don't even know where to start. He is rich, arrogant and suave. but he is also secretly nice(to Rachel) and really sexy.
     In this story Rachel has to grapple with a decision and with some feelings she's having for Trent. Since she barely escaped the ever after, she's been living in fear and living without her magic. Through some scrapes(where Trent saved her skin) she realizes that she can't keep putting herself and her friends in danger by staying neutered. But, if she removes the magic charm the blocks her from the ley lines, then Al(her pissed off demon mentor) will find her and punish her for escaping. The ending was good and leaves me wanting to read the next installment.
(Will she and Trent finally get jiggy? or will they continue their emotional tug-o-war?)

(Will she continue her demon training with Al? Can he help her "fix" the hole she made in the ever after?)

And before this book comes out in January, there is a book of short stories coming out in October that has the story of Trent and Jenks adventure from "A Pale demon" where they disappeared for a couple chapters. 
That book is:

(I am interested in the adventure but mostly want to know if being in Trent's POV gives any clue to his feelings for Rachel.)

And the last set I read were Charlaine Harris's "Dead Reckoning" and "Dead Locked" books 11 and 12 in the "Southern Vampire Mysteries" series.

By this book Sookie and Eric have been an item for a while but they have been having trouble. Especially with communication. As always, there are other issues. Someone's been trying to kill Sookie. Also, there have been issues with the left over Fae. Sookie is sucked into a murder plot and after all is said and done she's tired. 
There was some good action and some humor. I will admit to being pissy at Eric a couple times and I felt bad for Pam and Bubba. And I think that if a book can incite emotion, it must be pretty good. 

     I found out that this is the second to the last book. Things continue  to get worse between Eric and Sookie but she and Sam's friendship get's closer. (She even has the opportunity to save Sam) She finds out some hard truths about Claude and this book leads to ALL the Fae leaving Bon Temps.

(I wonder about the fly by call from Quinn out of nowhere)

(Her decision makes Eric POd)

My theory on where this might be going: 1)I think that Eric will leave. 2)she's pretty much put the brakes on anything happening with Bill(no matter how much he Luuuves her 3)Throughout this book all the men folk have made a mention or have been jealous of Sam 4) Sookie has made many mentions about how nobody is good enough for Sam--she doesn't know who is but...5) Sookie saved Sam's life and will be there emotionally for him after his break up....and 6) I think she and Sam will date, co-own Merlott's and have a family...(I am not sure how I feel about it. I am an Eric fan but Sam is a nice guy.)

The next book "Dead Ever After" comes out in May. It is also the final installment of the series. I will Have to read it.

And yes, I am a truebie too. Even if they aren't following the books exactly. It is still a great show and they have Alexander Skarsguard playing Eric...What's not to love?

So, How about you? What have you been reading for fun?
Anybody a fan of any of these book series? I'd love to hear your take on them.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Silence is not golden--on a blog

I admit it.
I have been a naughty blogger.  I have allowed myself to get so wrapped up in the summer, my kids, my college classes and etc. that I have neglected my blogging. I have read through many blogging tip sites that a good blogger blogs steadily if not often and I believe it has been a month. ack!

Since May I have finished my spring classes and jumped right into summer classes. Even though summer classes are condensed and a little harder I have always enjoyed them because of the way I have taken the classes previously, I was able to focus on one class at a time. Not so much this summer. This summer I had 3 difficult classes I was juggling as they crammed assignments at me in only 5 wks. It has been a bit stressful and time consuming.

This year my husband and I decided to have a 4th of July shindig. So it took quite a bit of our time to prepare for it and to throw it. My house is still trying to recover from having 40 people in it. We also had some of hubby's family from down south visit us for a few days, which was rather nice and quiet but any time someone stays with you it does interrupt the natural flow of your life. Then their are the kid-related things we have done. Beaches, parks, playgrounds, bike-paths and Cedar Point(thus far)So, in  any case I have been busy all the way around. 

I know, I am making excuses but it comes natural. :D

As far as the juicing--so many things have conspired to make it nearly impossible to juice. Between stressful schedules, lack of money(or at least enough to by fresh produce) and then the juicer biting the dust, well, we have been lazy and have eaten whatever we feel like. ugh. So, I have resolved to substitute my juicing with blended smoothies(the blender still works-so, na-na fate) and 'Naked' juices for a couple of my meals and to eat healthy dinners. I have also been collecting work out videos and other exercise related thingies. So I am still going to struggle forth relying on stubbornness and optimism. Wish me luck.

Now that I have finished my crazy hard classes, I now have time to do some creative writing. Yay!
I have heard My character whispering to me at night. She has been getting pushy with me lately( which I have missed immensely) so much better than the cold shoulder. I am looking forward to vomiting some words on paper. :D

How has your summer been? What crazy things have happened to you? What was your 4th of July like? I'd love to hear from you. :)

Until next time(sooner--I promise) try to stay cool.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thank a veteran. Enjoy the life they gave you.

Hello all!

I will start things off by saying. Sorry about not blogging for a bit. I have been very distracted by life and a couple very good books--which I will review here at a later date.

Next and most importantly: Tomorrow(technically 30min. from now) will be Memorial Day. It still amazes me how fortunate we are to have such brave and honorable men and women through the years, who were willing to lay down their lives for us. If it weren't for these men and women, I wouldn't be free to blog my thoughts and opinions without restriction. If not for these men and women who knows how many liberties we would be denied. My father and his grandfather were both in the Navy. My grandfather was on duty during WWII and my father was on duty during Vietnam. I am proud to say that I am the daughter/granddaughter of sailors. 
To all the men and women who have served, I thank you.
As for the juicing/getting healthier...well, that has had to go on hiatus. I won't go into too many details but needless to say, produce is not cheap and between semesters kinda sucks financially. So--it looks like in about a week(or so) we can jump back on the juice.(heh) 
I gotta say that I am excited to be doing it again(not for the lack of food and goodies) but because I am hovering still at 161-162lbs and I would be thrilled to get in the 150s. Also, when I eat(drink?) better, I feel like exercising. No, I don't really like to exercise but I love how I feel and how my body responds better and looks more toned. 
Therefore, I will continue with the progress along that vein when we get there.(I will also keep you posted on hubby's progress.)

On to further news, it appears that my Muse is not dead nor has it turned into Patrick Star. I simply needed to kick him in the butt. On a story that I have been ignoring for awhile, I revised my outline and have began adding new key plot and chopping out or changing the extra fat. I was unaware until recently that my story had gained unneeded/unwanted love handles. Just as I have decided to shave off my own personal jiggly fat--so too have I done the same to my heroine. I can't wait to remodel  and finish the story so I can go through and edit the crap out of it.  I have ignored these characters for far too long. (I'll blame the APA research papers for my lack of creativity. Maybe I shall refer to them as vampires from now on.)
Also I plan to call a M.U.S.E.(most under-appreciated super-egos) sometime this summer. It has been months since our group has got together to spark off each other and I can tell that I need that spark to keep my Frankenmuse moving . I don't know when but it shall happen. *scratches head* *shrugs* 

(I think I'll have the avengers be my muse. If nothing else for the eye candy factor. Enjoy...savor. :)

On a final thought. I joined a blog hop (Friday Fireworks) yesterday. It was my first blog hop. I am hoping that I get picked to win the Kindle Fire(which was the carrot they dangled to draw me in) but if I don't win--well, I did have fun. I learned about some new authors, I have seen some books I might like to read and I may win a prize or two from the authors blog. So overall, I think it was worthwhile and I may have to blog hop again. You should give it a try too.

Do you know a Vet? I would love to hear a story about them.

Have you ever blog hopped?

Happy Memorial Day! I hope it is filled with loved ones and happiness(and a lot of yummy picnic food.)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Yep, that's how I thought my Finals would go. :)
Hello again

Even though it is late and I have a sunburn from Hell, I realized that I promised to do my weekly Blog. I was supposed to do it on Monday but life was crazy hectic then--so, I pushed the blog to today

There has been very little progress/motivation on the juicing diet over the last week. And before you say--"But you were all motivational and just do it! last week. Were you just lying?"
No. Actually hell no.

But there have been some factors. First--keeping a stock of fresh produce is not so cheap. It is especially a problem when my money goes whoring itself around with every Tom, Dick and Harry and leaves dust bunnies to keep my wallet company. We have a crap load of canned food(primarily beans) and I already only have a marginal liking for them now. If I whip then up into a pasty sludge--it's all over from there. Yuck!

Secondly--on my end...I have had 2 feverish small children and a sick hubby to take care of for a chunk of last week, on top of studying for the finals and finishing a hated group project. If you have never studied for Finals and want to know how it feels slowly pull your eyeballs out and then begin poking your brain with a fork through your bloody eye-holes. and for fun maybe put your head in a vice and squeeze it tight for a few days...Oh, and we mustn't forget the key factor--you must do this on little to no sleep and a butt-ton of coffee to the point where you feel ill. Now that you have that down--add to it 2 little cranky sick clingy children and a night spent dozing on a couch(giving me a horrid neck kink  and acting like kryptonite taking away my ability to move my head) and a messy germ filled house that needed scrubbed--add in a dash of one parent sick and down(hubby) and you have my last week. This is how I felt until yesterday.------------------------------------^

Third--From hubby's end...He has been sick for 3 weeks and finally went to the Dr. last week. There he found out that he has a sinus infection and bronchitis, so doc gave him and antibiotic and cough meds. Which anyone who has been on an antibiotic know that you feel even crappier for awhile before you feel better(Last night was the first night he didn't get up dozens of times throughout the night coughing). On top of being sick, tired and weak he has been finishing the crap-load of work for his PHD program and making a final for his Robotics class. Oh, and listening to me gripe about my group project and finals.heh. I thought this pic represented how my hubby felt.

So--we haven't been overly focused on maintaining a liquid diet. Not only because of the inconvenience factor but also because hubby said he needed solid food to fuel his body to fight the infections--which...does make sense.

On a positive note--we did have juice at least once a day--so we were still getting the vitamins and micro-nutrients. I mean would you rather have this?
or this when you're stressed, sick and blah??

Huh? See...

But fear not my followers,  we will be back full tilt now that we have a month off from classes and nice weather and after another chunk of weight falls off of us I will post some before and after pictures.
On that note, I am off to slather some more aloe on my torso and slide into my air conditioned bed to dream of a skinnier me(I totally won't be dreaming of cake. :D )
Until monday-ish....tah!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Junk in the trunk & juice in my cup. motivation

Another week has passed and it is Monday again(hooray).

Hubby and I have continued our juicing journey even when we felt like giving up. This is a hectic and stressful time period. Anyone who has gone to college knows that the week before Finals is about as fun and relaxing as climbing the alps naked. Plus add a dash of family, life and work and viola' insanity. 
Does anyone really expect you to stay on a diet?

Yes indeed.

That's the thing. You have to have the motivation and the willpower to see it through because life is not going to slow down or stay calm and peaceful just so you can shed some lard off your lovely lady lumps(or fill in the blank with some other goal/ambition). Life will continue to throw curve balls your way. It is crazy and ever changing and you have to stand strong against the rip tide.

Since I was a teen(and no longer played outside from sun up to sun down)I have been the fat girl and my classmates made certain I never forgot it(isn't highschool a blast?) And even into adulthood I have insulated my body well. True there have been some factors that have slimmed me down but for the most part, I just lived with my ever present rolls.

Finally, I got tired of being "pleasantly plump" and I decided to do something about it.

My hubby has other motivators. Yeah, he's tired of being the "fat-man" as he calls himself but also, he wants to become healthier. His cholesterol and triglycerides have been bad for years. At one point his tri's were so high they were unmeasurable  somewhere around 300+. That's scary stuff. That my friends is what causes heart attacks. He has lowered his tri's quite a bit and his bad cholesterol is in a good range but his good cholesterol needs work. Also my hubby has had high blood pressure--for as long as I've known him.

Today he went to the Dr.s and his blood pressure was 122/80. yay! 

Joe cross=mymotivator
We are both still losing weight, slowly but surely and we have incorporated some exercise into our routine(which should give it a kickstart)
I will update you on hubby's weight next week.

As for me. I am hovering at 161lbs. Which is the lowest I have been since I was a pre-teen. I am very excited at the idea of dropping into the 150s. C'mon stubborn body--just 2 more pounds. *Glares at belly role* *sips juice*

Hopefully folks, next week will bring some short term goals.

What are your goals? Want to give em a try? I bet you can do it.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Other Side of the Story: Edits vs. Revisions: One on One Death Match

The Other Side of the Story: Edits vs. Revisions: One on One Death Match: Which is which? You often hear edit and revise used interchangeably, but it's helpful to think of them as two different things. Editing...

Ohh, cool. Very helpful. :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Hello all,
It's that time again. Time for the weekly update on hubby and me.
This is hubby's 3rd week juicing and my second...but wait--there's more...

We have tweaked the original idea. We are still juicing all day but at night we started supplementing solid food into our diet.
Yep, dead on accurate.
And here's the neat thing: we are both sill losing weight. Last Monday I weighed in at 168.7 lbs, today I weighed in at 161 even. which is almost 8lbs in a week and the lowest I have been since I was 12yrs old. *Woot* Unfortunately, I still see the pudgy girl that I have always been but logically, I am aware that I am slimming down.

Hubby has lost weight also but since incorporating solids into his diet, his has slowed down, so he will probably hit the juicing hardcore again and only imbibe on solid foods every few days. I am proud of his progress and hope he continues to have strength and determination.

It is difficult being a full time mom and student(especially so close to finals) and staying mostly on the diet. I can only imagine how hard it is on hubby who is an adjunct professor, a father and working on his He is a busy guy. So I suppose if he can do it with that schedule, others will be inspired to try to get healthier too.

If I need any additional motivation, I'll watch "Fat, Sick and nearly dead" again. cuz wow, Joe Cross is inspiring!

I know this blog was not as amusing as some of the previous ones.
I am tired and blah today but I promise to be more entertaining in the future.
Until next Monday...have a wonderful week and don't forget to grab your dreams and hold on tight.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Let the carnage continue!!!!!!!!

Hello again,
I'm sexy and I know it...

Tonight is my promised (See previous blog) weekly update on my hubby's Juice Fasting Tournament. *fans scream with abandon*
What's that you say? It can't possibly be a tournament? It's just a fast and my hubby isn't fighting anyone?

We-ell, I'll see your nay-say and raise you a raspberry. (yup. I just stuck my tongue out at you. heh)

He is in fact fighting. He's fighting stubborn belly fat. He's fighting his impulsive wants. He's fighting his stomach that tells him that he's a fat man who hasn't eaten in 10 days--so, therefore he's starving. He's fighting to live longer. So, yeah, way to go hubby. *woot*

I said give me the cookie!
Now, I have to get this out in the open. He did in fact break his fast and eat solid food on Easter but only under strict self-imposed stipulations. He had to hit 280lbs. Which was almost 20lbs lost in a week. How bout' them apples.

He wouldn't let me post his picture yet but he sent me a couple pictures I could use. So before anyone thinks I am being evil by posting Jaba or the was hubby's suggestion. The first is how he thinks he looks and the second is to express how he felt after a few days of juicing.

On to another subject touched upon on the previous post: Today is my first day Juicing. it is an unusual feeling, I can tell you that.

You'd be amazed at the amount of veggies and fruits it takes to fill one glass of juice. You know something else? For awhile you do feel full. so, seeing what is going into you and having that full feeling make you feel like you are awesome.

Alas and alack though my friends. I have never been able to stay full on produce alone. Even when I consume the fibrous parts, they leave me too does the juice. So, now instead of hitting around 3 meals a day, I must juice more frequently to fight off my body's games it plays with me. 

We'll have to just see how it goes. My hubby is already into his second week and I am starting the first leg of the journey. 
I just have to keep telling myself as I salivate over the children's candy. "There is a skinny girl inside...You just ate her and now you need to burp her up." Then I smack my hand and say, "No. bad llama."

So, Anybody else feel like joining me?                                                                 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Getting healthier with Juice

Tonight I'm blogging about juicing. And my husband,
Yes, the two are correlated.

My hubby, he loves him some food. Especially the kind that used to bleed. He and food have a close relationship. Not only does food help him, you know, live but it also has been there for him in good times and in bad. When something wonderful happens we celebrate it with a dinner or party. If something awful happens, the pastry isle at the grocery store is in danger as my hubby prowls to find calories to fill the empty spot that the badness created.

Over the years, that love has left an impression on him. Mostly around his torso.
He and I have both been wanting him to do something about that for awhile now. We would like it if he stayed around longer and he isn't getting any younger--or healthier.

Then last week we watched a movie. The title itself captured our attention: "Fat, Sick and nearly Dead." Which is about a man named Joe(from Australia, gosh I <3 their accents) who is around 40, overweight(around 300lbs) and has a painful immune disorder caused by his unhealthy lifestyle. He decides to eat healthier but finds that to get all the nutrients and micro-nutrients he needs, he would have to eat a butt-ton of veggies. So he tries Juicing. He gives himself 60 days to drink nothing but fresh juice as he travels across America. His goal is to get healthier(and leaner) and to eliminate his disorder(and get off his meds) 
While he's traveling he documents his highs and lows  and also inspires a 400lb man to try the Juice fast too. Both of them get leaner(400lb guy loses 100lbs in 60 days) and get healthier(and off there meds)

Over-all a very inspiring(and amusing) story.

So, my hubby decided to try it. We got a juicer on e-bay for a decent price, which arrived on Friday. Since then my Hubby has had nothing but Juice made from fresh raw veggies and fruits. He is taking the 60day challenge and kicking it up a notch to another challenge he discovered: The 100 day challenge.

So far, He has lost 10lbs in 4days. 
Yay, Hubby!

Now, you may have a few questions like: Is he freakin' nutz? 
-No, he's dedicated to becoming healthier. You don't stay on the Juice fast. You use it to detox your system, shrink your stomach and get you body, skin and emotional well-being healthy. Then you try to live a healthier lifestyle.

If this diet is so great...why aren't you doing it ms. bloggy pants?
-First off, no need to get all snarky.
I do plan to do it. However, in the first few days of cleaning out, the person juicing feels the effects of detoxing and their body screams at them that they are starving. So, for the first bit, the juicer in question is a cranky-butt. 
Seeing as we have 2 little children, I thought it best if they survived the experience.
I will be doing it very soon but only after hubby is in the happy, energetic, hopeful zone.

Are you going to do it for 100 days? *looks blogger up and down*
-Probably not.
My hubby is wanting to lose 100lbs. I on the other hand, am looking for maybe 30lbs. My use of the Juicing is primarily to give me a kick start and to get me detoxed and healthy from the inside out. After(and maybe during) that time period I'm going to up my exercise from 3 times a wk to daily--if I can.

Is it only for crazy people like you?
-Nope. It's for anyone who wants to get healthier and doesn't mind smoothies...or the taste of fruit and veggies.

Can I juice this here steak? That kinda defeats the purpose. 

What about a milkshake diet? It's a liquid meal replacement.
-Um...again. Kinda not the point. You might lose some weight doing only liquid that your body can digest easily but you'll also be ingesting alot of fat and sugars...Not so good for the healthier heart, digestive tract and clearer skin thing.

So, is this the last we'll hear about this?
-Nope, I plan to blog about this, probably weekly, for the 100 days. Not only to do it for hubby(who does not blog) but also to hold him accountable(like an exercise partner). I will post his weight loss and his internal #s after he sees his Dr. And I will post photos(if I can ever get the darn things to post on here)

You can follow my hubby, and eventually my progress here on my blog. 
Also, if you have questions, I will answer them to the best of my ability.

If you get a chance, I highly recommend Fat, Sick and nearly dead the movie(which is on Netflix and HULU And Joe Cross's blog

Have a wonderful evening folks. 
Wish us luck.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

It's an anti-Wonderful Life.

Today I came up with an interesting story plot.
If you asked me where it came from, I couldn't tell you. Evidently my MUSE is getting antsy because       I've been bogging him down with Math and Research papers. (poor muse.*plays tiniest violin*) So, being pushy he thrust the idea in my head while I scrubbed my kitchen clean.
Are you ready? Your breathless with anticipation, I can tell. heh.
      You know how most things have an opposite or negative or anti--something-or other(ie. anti-matter, polar opposites. Even superheroes have to fight their negahero at some point.)
So came the idea of Anti-George Bailey and It's an anti-Wonderful life.
      The story begins with an 18-21yr old guy from the present day. You know the guy. He wears his pants around his ankles and more bling than flava-flave.Speaks like he's straight out of the 'hood' ya'll even though he grew up in a small hick town.(or is a rich boy)
      Then you add in a dash of arrogance, laziness, ill-manners and butt-load of false sense of entitlement and you have our youth. And my main character.
       Little thug has drama in his life(not sure what yet, something petty and frivolous. Probably baby-mama-drama)and decides to dramatically end his life by throwing himself from a bridge.
     Enter the Angel that intervenes in the nick of time. He tries to talk little thug out of it but thug is determined that his "life is over, man" "You just don't know my pain, dog!" and wishes he'd never been born. The angel gets a great idea and makes it so. Determined that he'll show thug how things would have been without him and maybe--just maybe earn his wings.
    They blip through different times and places. visiting the (very small) amount of people who give a damn about thug. And as they go along they realize...
That everyone would have been better off without him. If he hadn't been born his mom wouldn't have quit college nor would his parents have gotten divorced. His brother wouldn't have been thrown in the slammer for years for getting drugs for little thug. His girlfirend wouldn't have gotten hooked on meth or had a baby. she had a promising future. Even some of his friends weren't so bad.
    As he looked at his life he realized what a selfish, self absorbed, rude douche he'd been to everyone and how much he was literally wasting space and the air he breathed.
    When they returned to the bridge, he gets an epiphany but as he begins to say that he's seen the light, the angel casually elbows him the back knocking him screaming from the bridge to the icy water below.
On the other side of the lake a cute curly haired child at dinner says. "Listen daddy. Teacher says every time that men scream a devil gets a pitchfork." The dad blinks slowly and tells the girl to eat her peas.
     Pan back to the bridge a booming voice from above scolds. "Clarence! No wonder you still haven't earned your wings. He was supposed to live."
"Aw, geez. God. I couldn't help it. That guy was a total ass. I couldn't really take anymore."
"That was not your decision nor your mission."
Scene pans out as the angel turns into a star and ascends back to heaven as the voices grow distant.
"Come on, God. Give me the wings. I put up with him for a whole day. That should get me points right there. Oh, and while we're at it, I think we should make his mom a saint.Just saying..."
"Ah, Clarence...Maybe in another hundred years we'll try again."
"A hundred years! Well now that he's dead the balls in your court now. You spend a day with him, then we'll see about those wings..."
Another voice drifts in "Dog! I iz trippin' yo! I need a little somethin-somethin to take the edge of ya know what I'm sayin. Dog? These new threads are sick...."
The end.
I laughed but then again, I have a twisted sense of humor. Hopefully it amuses the masses as well.