Lately, as I've worked on my writing I have had writers block but not in the way that it is usually referred to.
Most people who suffer writers block can't think of an idea--either to start a story or proceed within their story.
I don't really have that problem.
The plot is there. The characters are talking--no yelling at me constantly.
My problem has a couple aspects.
#1. I let myself get distracted easily and in essence treat my characters like small children fighting in the back of the car. Yelling at them to "Sit down and shut up. or I'm coming back there!"
Well the good news is that sometime one character rebels and says "Ok. Good. Get back here. We need to talk." and then I end up writing for 2-3 hours straight.
#2. My brain is a deceitful mean bastard. It doesn't have much confidence in my ability to write. Usually I write a chunk of my story and I'm like:
Without the father's day part |
And then I begin to think. And My evil brain starts whispering things in my head. You think This is good? You think anyone wants to read that drivel. Is this a comedy because--yeah...their all going to laugh at you....etc..
Basically you suck.
Then I start thinking of other's reactions to the story and this is how I picture it:
And I close the story and ignore it for awhile.
But you know what? I always go back. Sometimes a character gets rowdy but usually I write because I have awesome people in my life who believe in me and support me. And because of them, my character's are able to hog tie the nasty A-hole part of my brain and I push forth and write more.
I know that some day, I will be published and someday that part of my brain will be(hopefully) permanently silenced. *cracks knuckle*
I just have to trust my friends and my characters.
And with that in mind...I am shutting down my shiny distracting media and getting my word count for nano.
Happy writing folks. :)
Do you get writers block? How do you deal with uncertainty? are you doing Nano wrimo this year?
I'd love to hear from you!
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